Energy Meditation &
Qi Gong Workshops
Qi Gong Workshops
Healing Love
Sexual Alchemy for
Women, Men & Couples
Women, Men & Couples
Qi Gong Instructor
Massage Practitioner
Massage Practitioner
Chi Nei Tsang
Abdominal Massage
Practice & Workshops
Practice & Workshops
UHT Meditation & Chi Kung Training
Associate Instructor Training
14 - 16 March Bern
CHF 1960.-
Associate Instructor Training Part 1 German / English

Learn to integrate the Basics into your daily life and how to teach the basic Practices and techniques of the Universal Healing Tao System to others.
Part 2: see 02 - 04 May
Prerequisite: see PDF & INFO Button
02 - 04 May Bern
Associate Instructor Training Part 2 German / English

The Universal Healing Tao Basic Training
Learn to integrate the Basics into your daily life and how to teach the basic Practices and techniques of the Universal Healing Tao System to others.
Part 1: see 14 - 16 March
Prerequisite: see PDF & INFO Button
19 - 21 September Bern
CHF 1960.-
Associate Instructor Training Part 1 German / French

In this Universal Healing Tao Basic Training you learn how to teach the basic Practices and techniques of the Universal Healing Tao System to others.
Part 2: see 14 - 16 November
Prerequisite: see PDF & INFO Button
14 - 16 November Bern
Associate Instructor Training Part 2 German / French

In this Universal Healing Tao Basic Training you learn how to teach the basic Practices and techniques of the Universal Healing Tao System to others.
Part 1: see 19 - 21 September
Prerequisite: see PDF & INFO Button
see pdf
CHF see pdf
Inner Alchemy Qigong Instructor Series Level I

Click on PDF for Inner Achemy Qigong Instructor Training
Click on INFO for all Qigong forms of Inner alchemy
Click on INFO for all Qigong forms of Inner alchemy
to become an Inner Alchemy Qigong Instructor Level I
Inner Alchemy Qigong Instructor Series Level I
The Inner Alchemy Instructor training programme comprises the following course dates. A course needs only be attended ONCE. However, some courses take place several times a year, so that you can choose the dates yourself.
Training dates / courses
11-14.1. Basic course (1 of 7 dates can be selected)
06.4. Wisdom Qigong
24.5. 5 Elements Qigong
05-06.7. Stem Cell Qigong (can choose 1 of 2 dates)
28-29.10. Cranial Sacral Qigong
06.12. Repetition of all forms and certification
see pdf
CHF see pdf
Inner Alchemy Qigong Instructor Series Level II

Click on PDF for Inner Achemy Qigong Instructor Training
Click on INFO for all Qigong forms of Inner alchemy
Click on INFO for all Qigong forms of Inner alchemy
to become an Inner Alchemy Qigong Instructor Level II
Inner Alchemy Qigong Instructor Series Level II
The Inner Alchemy Instructor training programme comprises the following course dates. A course needs only be attended ONCE. However, some courses take place several times a year, so that you can choose the dates yourself.
Training dates / courses
11-12.1. Basic course (can choose 1 of 7 dates)
01.2. Tan Tien Qigong (can choose 1 of 2 dates)
05.4. Tao Yin Qigong (can choose 1 of 4 dates)
25.10. Cosmic Healing Qigong
1-2.11. Golden Elixir Qigong
07.12. Repetition of all forms and certification
Upgrading Training to become UHT Certified Instructor
01 - 02 March Bern
CHF 990.-
Upgrading Training Part 1

Upgrade yourself in status from Associate to fully certified Instructor by preparing yourself in various Modules such as Healing Love, Tao Yin, Tan Tien Chi Kung, Tai Chi Chi Kung.
Part 2: see 17 - 18 May
Prerequisite: see PDF & INFO Button
17 - 18 May Bern
Upgrading Training Part 2

Upgrade yourself in status from Associate to fully certified Instructor by preparing yourself in various Modules such as Healing Love, Tao Yin, Tan Tien Chi Kung, Tai Chi Chi Kung.
Part 1: see 01 - 02 March
Prerequisite: see PDF & INFO Button
14 - 15 June Bern
CHF 990.-
Upgrading Training Part 1

Upgrade yourself in status from Associate to fully certified Instructor by preparing yourself in various Modules such as Healing Love, Tao Yin, Tan Tien Chi Kung, Tai Chi Chi Kung.
Part 2: see 12 - 13 July
Prerequisite: see PDF & INFO Button
12 -13 July Bern
Upgrading Training Part 2

Upgrade yourself in status from Associate to fully certified Instructor by preparing yourself in various Modules such as Healing Love, Tao Yin, Tan Tien Chi Kung, Tai Chi Chi Kung.
Part 2: see 14 - 15 June
Prerequisite: see PDF & INFO Button
Meta-Skill Training
The following meta-skills trainings are only suitable for already trained UHT Associates and Certified UHT Instructors. If you are interested in one of these meta-skills trainings, please send an email to
on request
CHF 145.-
Meta-Skill 1 - 09h00 - 13h00

It is one thing to practice and it is another to teach. Come and learn in a group setting the Meta-Skills that teach you about your teaching style and how to use the appropriate support documents etc.
Prequisite: UHT AI, CI ore CNT Practitoners
Prequisite: UHT AI, CI ore CNT Practitoners
click PDF button for Introduction to Meta Skills
click INFO button for the Meta Skills Topics List to choose from
on request
CHF 145.-
Meta-Skill 2 - 14h15 - 17h30

A Chi Kung Class is a series of 5 to 10 classes of 60, 90 or 120 minutes per class. Come and learn how to prepare, guide, teach and promote those classes.
Prerequisite: UHT Associate and Certified Instructors
Prerequisite: UHT Associate and Certified Instructors
click PDF button for Introduction to Meta Skills
click INFO button for the Meta Skills Topics List to choose from
on request
CHF 290.-
Meta-Skill 3 - 09h00 - 17h30

In this seminar you can learn, practice and receive feedback how in theory and practice you share this information with women, men and couples.
Prerequisite: UHT Instructor
Prerequisite: UHT Instructor
click PDF button for Introduction to Meta Skills
click INFO button for the Meta Skills Topics List to choose from
on request
CHF 145.-
Meta-Skill 4 - 09h00 - 13h00

Learn and practice some advanced techniques and how to apply them in individual and group settings.
Prerequisite: UHT Associate Instructor
Prerequisite: UHT Associate Instructor
click PDF button for Introduction to Meta Skills
click INFO button for the Meta Skills Topics List to choose from
on request
CHF 145.-
Meta-Skill 5 - 14h15 - 17h30

Explore in details some of the breathing strategies that apply to the Basics and advanced inner alchemy formulas.
Prerequisite UHT Associate Instructor and CNT Practitioners
Prerequisite UHT Associate Instructor and CNT Practitioners
click PDF button for Introduction to Meta Skills
click INFO button for the Meta Skills Topics List to choose from
on request
CHF 145.-
Meta-Skill 6 - 09h00 - 13h00

For UHT Instructors and CNT Practitioners to develop on all levels what it means to cultivate an "immortal life style". The health benefits of such a life style are truly amazing.
click PDF button for Introduction to Meta Skills
click INFO button for the Meta Skills Topics List to choose from
on request
CHF 145.-
Meta-Skill 7 - 14h15 - 17h30

For advanced UHT Instructors and CNT Practitioners that would like to review particular topics in a group setting.
click PDF button for Introduction to Meta Skills
click INFO button for the Meta Skills Topics List to choose from
By appointment
CHF 120.-
Meta-Skill 8 - 14h15 - 17h30

You like to review in an individual setting a particular topic ?
click PDF button for Introduction to Meta Skills
click INFO button for the Meta Skills Topics List to choose from
For all the following Chi Nei Tsang training and further education courses,
please contact by email.
We will then recommend a training centre near you.
Chi Nei Tsang 1 Teacher Training
Chi Nei Tsang 1 (Vital Organs) - 1st Cycle Training
Chi Nei Tsang 1 (Vital Organs) - 2nd Cycle Training
CNT 1 and CNT 2 Supervision Days
Chi Nei Tsang 2 (Winds) - 1st Cycle Training
Chi Nei Tsang 2 (Winds) - 2nd Cycle Training
Chi Nei Tsang 3 (Tok Sen) - 1st and 2nd Cycles Trainings
Chi Nei Tsang 1 Microcurrent - 1st and 2nd Cycles Trainings
Energy Meditation &
Qi Gong Workshops
Qi Gong Workshops
Healing Love
Sexual Alchemy for
Women, Men & Couples
Women, Men & Couples
Qi Gong Instructor
Massage Practitioner
Massage Practitioner
Chi Nei Tsang
Abdominal Massage
Practice & Workshops
Practice & Workshops